The next generation Lab Charge Analyzer
In less than 5 minutes determine target coagulant dosage needed to achieve charge neutralization, allowing for optimum NTU and TOC removal
In less than 5 minutes determine target coagulant dosage needed to achieve charge neutralization, allowing for optimum NTU and TOC removal
Whether you need to monitor chlorine in a municipal water treatment plant, or in a pool or spa, or in an industrial setting, our Chemtrac Residual Chlorine Analyzers offer precise, stable, and versatile solutions. No Reagents, no pH compensation, no monthly maintenance…no doubt a chlorine analyzer to consider.
The City of King Water Treatment Facility is a conventional water treatment plant located in Tobaccoville, NC. The plant treats up to 3 million gallons per day of Yadkin River water, and has inground storage tanks, onsite and at the booster station, totaling 6 million gallons.
When the water treatment plant in Auburn, AL was looking for the ability to monitor chlorine in off-site locations, they did not want to have to deal with on-line analyzers that required reagents.
Chemtrac is now delivering its free chlorine analyzers with a new and improved sensor. With the previous design, it was recommended to replace the membrane cap annually,
We at Chemtrac want our customers to better understand our products. We feel the next best thing to having an on-site demonstration of our analyzers is to be able to see a video demonstration